How to Help Wife Deal With Missing Baby After Maternity Leave

Feeling depressed about going dorsum to piece of work after maternity go out? Here'south your pep talk and action plan to become through these challenging days.

Depressed about going back to work after maternity leaveI had survived the newborn stage, managed to fit into my old clothes (more than or less), and was finally getting a hang of this parenting thing after months of adjusting to motherhood.

But and so… it was time to face up the offset day back at work afterwards maternity exit.

Just when my babe had fallen into a manageable routine and life became easier and more fun, maternity leave was over. Now I had to hand him to someone else to care for while I rejoined the workforce.

That was hours and hours away from him, missing the fourth dimension spent sprawled on a blanket at the park or strolling around the neighborhood. While I welcomed time lone, I wasn't exactly excited near working, either.

When you experience depressed well-nigh going back to work after motherhood leave

It's like shooting fish in a barrel to feel depressed nearly going back to work later on maternity exit. You don't desire to leave the baby with strangers, worried that he'll be scared in his new environment. You dread the stress of dropping him off at daycare and making it on time to piece of work.

And while yous know y'all're making a better life for him by working, all these emotions however get difficult.

It's even worse when you lot're miserable at piece of work. You lot experience similar yous've finally found your purpose by staying habitation with the baby, merely circumstances (and bills) mean you can't. Y'all fifty-fifty observe yourself crying and feeling horrible, like you're handing him off to someone else to raise.

With your baby then used to being with you all day, you can't imagine what a big change going back to work will be for the both of yous.

Mentum up, mama. I hear you. Feeling depressed most going dorsum to work after motherhood leave is all besides mutual. The adjustment can be rough for everyone, but thankfully, not permanent.

If you find yourself wishing you were dorsum with your infant instead of at work, accept a look at these insights that volition cheer you up. Yous'll find gentle reminders to go along you going, besides as encouragement to look at the difficult truth about your circumstances if you lot truly want things to modify:

1. Help your infant adjust to the alter

Similar many working moms, you're likely going dorsum to work when your baby is notwithstanding an infant. Information technology's one thing to re-enter the working earth when he'due south a few years older, but another thing to handle the emotional and physical challenges of raising a baby and going to work.

Start preparing at present to help him adjust to your new schedule.

For instance, alter your routine a few weeks before starting work, mimicking the schedule he'll follow moving frontwards. Innovate him to the bottle effectually that fourth dimension as well, if y'all haven't already. If possible, do a test run with your child's caregiver or daycare before the beginning "official" solar day.

And finally, encourage him to fall asleep on his own at nights so you're both better rested. If you lot're struggling with putting your baby to sleep, y'all can teach him to cocky soothe and slumber on his own!

Free download: Whether you've tried to teach him to cocky soothe in the by or are just now because information technology, have a look at the 5 cardinal mistakes to avoid. Join my newsletter and download this amazing resource below—at no cost to y'all:

5 Mistakes That Keep Your Baby from Self Soothing

2. Set up the nights before

Going back to piece of work is a hard adjustment considering you haven't been at work for months, you're sleep-deprived, and the morning routine can feel stressful.

The all-time way to cope? Set up, prepare, prepare, peculiarly the nighttime before. This is fifty-fifty more than important those first few weeks you're dorsum at work. Not simply are you sleep-deprived and tired, you're also a niggling rusty most your going-to-piece of work routine.

When I went dorsum to work, I packed my dejeuner, chose my clothes and fabricated sure I didn't forget my pump parts—all the nighttime before. That manner, come up morning time, I didn't have to retrieve virtually them at all.

3. Remind yourself that everything is an adjustment

Allow'due south say you came dwelling house from your showtime day at work miserable. You wish had been with your infant instead, and dread doing information technology all over again the next day, and the adjacent.

But remember when you starting time got your task? Y'all had no thought what any of the terms your coworkers were talking most, or even where the restrooms were.

Or how virtually when you moved into your dwelling house? Retrieve how abrasive it was not to have internet admission just yet, or figuring out where to place your kitchen equipment?

Any new change is a transition. We of all people should know that afterward having a baby. And just as crazy of an aligning that was, the first few days back to work will as well have its ain prepare of challenges. You're settling in, figuring out what has changed, and getting used to your new daily routine.

As with any adjustment, information technology'll exist hard… upwards until you get your groove dorsum and piece of work becomes second nature one time again.

Hither's your working mom pep talk.

Working Mom Pep Talk

four. Remember that the grass is always greener

Exercise you get jealous whenever you lot see moms taking their kids to the library while you're dashing to grab your luncheon between meetings? Do you wish you could come and go every bit y'all please, instead of coming in at 8am like how the boss wants?

Little practise you know that some of those same moms are looking at you with envy as well. Wishing they could go a break from the kids or reminiscing virtually getting dressed and talking to adults. Wanting to make money and a contribution to something else besides kids.

Office of the unhappiness with going dorsum to work might stem from assuming that all is rosy on the other side. It's non. Every situation has its pros and cons, and going back to work is no unlike. While you may only run across the cons right at present, remind yourself you have many benefits other moms would envy.

Woman working on a laptop

5. Remember the benefits of existence a working mom

One of the all-time ways to stop feeling depressed about going dorsum to work after maternity leave is to remind yourself of its many benefits.

The most obvious 1 is earning coin, which frees you from the stressful situation of non having much of it. Y'all as well become a pause from the baby which, let'south face it, is of import for self-care. And you have challenging and meaningful work that contributes to the world as well beingness a mom.

Let'southward not forget that you're able to hang out with other people and have real adult chat and that work is (usually) easier than raising kids. You don't have to worry about re-entering the workforce down the line, and yous're more probable to share equal parenting duties at home with your partner.

I know it's piece of cake to forget all this when y'all miss your baby, but constantly reminding yourself why yous're here can brand the work days go smoother.

Check out the "How practice you practise it?" working mom survival guide.

The "How Do You Do It" Working Mom Survival Guide

6. Find a positive work environs

When moms are unhappy about their first solar day back after motherhood leave, well-nigh of that unhappiness can be traced to what they're going back to: An unappealing piece of work environment.

Long earlier your babe was fifty-fifty built-in, how happy were you almost piece of work? If you were miserable with your piece of work to begin with, leaving the baby volition be less bearable compared to going dorsum to work you enjoy.

If the piece of work itself is the biggest reason you lot're depressed about ending motherhood leave, perhaps it's fourth dimension detect or even create a work environment that suits you lot. Inquire yourself these questions:

  • Is your piece of work flexible? For instance, you might stress near having take an impromptu twenty-four hour period off when your baby is ill. Or peradventure you demand to exit piece of work earlier than usual to pick him up from solar day care.
  • How is your commute? Maybe your commute is long, calculation extra hours abroad from your baby on top of the eight or more you're already abroad from him.
  • How about pay? Does it justify the time away from your baby, or do yous feel like you're better off elsewhere?
  • Practise you become along with your boss and colleagues? It'southward hard returning to piece of work when you don't take your boss' support.
  • Are you able to pump? One of the difficult transitions on the first day back after maternity leave for nursing moms is scheduling pump sessions and maintaining your milk supply. Even finding the privacy to practise so can be a challenge.
  • Do yous like your work? Money is skilful, sure, but if you hated piece of work to begin with, re-entering the workforce will be extra difficult when you'd rather be with your infant.

Bespeak is, those outset few days and weeks at piece of work are difficult because you've had a taste of a different life, and peradventure piece of work just isn't measuring upwards. You were on maternity exit, enjoying the fourth dimension spent with your babe, only to come back to an unhealthy work environment.

If so, it might be fourth dimension to re-evaluate what yous want out of your work situation.

Bank check out these flexible work arrangements you can effort.

Flexible Work Arrangements

7. Rely on childcare you love and trust

Imagine going to work worried whether your childcare provider understood your instructions about your iv month old's nap schedule. Or you wonder whether your baby isn't getting enough one-on-one attention at daycare, or you experience like yous can't be honest or direct with your mother-in-law.

You need to be comfy with your childcare situation. Information technology's hard to focus on work when you feel similar the nanny, daycare staff, or your mother-in-law aren't doing a practiced job.

Choose your childcare carefully. How is your human relationship with this person (or people)? Do they mind? Practise you trust their capabilities? Can yous exist open and frank without feeling like you've offended them?

When you feel confident with your caretaker, handing the babe off for several hours and going in to work won't feel likewise terrible. And sometimes it just might even be a much-needed break.

Have a look at viii things to avert when hiring a nanny.

Feeling guilty for being at work

8. Your kid volition remember you

One of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes goes like this:

"I've learned that people volition forget what you said, people will forget what you did, merely people will never forget how you fabricated them feel."

Kids don't keep tabs. They won't love you less because yous're abode at six instead of at three. Instead, they'll recollect how you made them experience—the highlights.

Not whether y'all cut their sandwich into a dinosaur shape, simply that yous did footling things to delight them. And not that yous can't always volunteer at field trips, simply that y'all showered them with love from the time you came dwelling house until they cruel asleep.

Maya Angelou quotes about parenthood


Transitioning back to piece of work after motherhood leave can exist difficult, merely non when you come prepared, both mentally and physically.

Start with practical changes similar helping your baby adjust to your new work schedule and preparing the nights earlier. Remember that everything is an adjustment and that the grass is ever greener, not to mention the many benefits of being a working mom.

Make sure yous have a positive piece of work environment to return to, equally well as reliable and trustworthy childcare you can count on. And finally, don't forget that your infant will remember you, regardless of whether you went to work or not.

Going back to work after motherhood exit tin can exist a positive change in your life—more than only finally fitting into your former clothes or getting a hang of this parenting thing.

Go more tips:

  • How to Work from Dwelling house with a Baby (And Actually Get Things Done)
  • Top 16 Books for Working Moms
  • How to Conquer Working Mom Guilt
  • What Yous Need to Do when You're Stressed almost Money
  • Raising Children on a Tight Budget

Don't forget: Join my newsletter and accept a await at the 5 key mistakes to avoid:

5 Mistakes That Keep Your Baby from Self Soothing


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