What Is the Least Abstract Alternative to the Following Statement: Jos Constantly Complaining.



Jordan University, Jordania

Language barriers to effective advice

Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana , vol. 24, núm. Esp.six, pp. 64-77, 2019

Universidad del Zulia

Recepción: 17 Septiembre 2019

Aprobación: 12 Noviembre 2019

Abstruse: Globalization and communication technology are bringing the world closer together in a global village, including language barriers. The things that prevent the states from understanding each other's constitute a common challenge to individuals, groups, international companies, governments, nations, and the whole world. This qualitative written report aimed at exploring the factors that crusade language barriers, their types, and their impact on constructive communication and our life likewise as ways to make people aware of the importance of overcoming them. The study concluded that language or semantic barriers arise from dissimilar subjects such equally meanings and uses of words, symbols, images, gestures, languages and dialects.

Keywords: Communication, Linguistic communication Barriers, Semantic Barriers, Understanding.

Resumen: La globalización y la tecnología de la comunicación están uniendo al mundo en una aldea global, incluyendo barreras del idioma. Las cosas que nos impiden entendernos constituyen un desafío común para las personas, los grupos, las compañías internacionales, los gobiernos, las naciones y el mundo entero. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo explorar los factores que causan las barreras del idioma, sus tipos y su impacto en la comunicación efectiva y nuestra vida, así como las formas de sensibilizar a las personas sobre la importancia de superarlas. El estudio concluyó que el lenguaje o las barreras semánticas surgen de diferentes temas, como significados y usos de palabras, símbolos, imágenes, gestos, idiomas y dialectos.

Palabras clave: barreras del lenguaje, barreras semánticas, comprensión, comunicación.


Human advice is a social interaction procedure. It is an essential part of our daily life. Information technology is a process of creating, exchanging, sharing ideas, information, opinions, facts, feelings, and experiences between a sender and a receiver. Advice is primal to the being and survival of individuals, groups, societies, and nations. Language is the well-nigh common tool of communication. Information technology plays a vital office in helping people build a bridge of relationships. At the same time, language acts as a destroyer of bridges of homo relations because information technology separates people from each other. Language continues to remain a barrier to convey our letters to people in the globalization and communication era. Linguistic communication barriers are a common claiming in international business organisation, aviation and social settings. They affect our daily life.

Language barriers are the root causes of many problems or obstacles in wellness care, aviation, maritime,business organisation, and education. For instance, (a)Effective advice between healthcare providers, patients, and families is critical for providing prophylactic and quality healthcare. The results of a Canadian study near the negative bear upon of language barriers on quality of care and patient rubber: Patients and interpreters described experiences where linguistic communication barriers contributed to more inferior patient assessment, misdiagnosis, delayed treatment, incomplete understanding of patient condition, risks of medication errors and complications and prescribed treatment (Bowen: 2015). In the 2nd example, Aviation researchers emphasize that over lx% of shipping incidents are caused past homo error (Sexton & Helmreich: 2000, pp.63-68).

The failure of crews to communicate effectively is one common type of mistake. According to the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASAS) of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), over70% of the first 28,000 reports received were plant to be related communication issues (Drury et al.: 2005). Therefore, ineffective communication is a global threat to aviation safety. The tertiary example, increased globalization is forcing a growing number of business managers and employees to collaborate across linguistic boundaries (Lauring: 2008, pp.343-361). A High german study titled "language Barriers in Different Forms of International Assignments" has connected linguistic communication barriers to a series of organizational behavior phenomena. The results showed that language barriers have effects on the multinational corporation equally follows: effects on employees' emotions, social identity formation, trust formation, power relations (Tenzer & Schuster: 2017, pp.63-100). The 4th example, the findings of a written report about the impact of language barriers on the customers of English as a Second Language, suggests that language barriers generate negative emotional and cerebral responses and foreclose the customers from taking specific deportment such as seeking necessary information or complaining about a service failure. (Meuter et al.: 2015, p.371).

The fifth example, language barriers, lack of communication, and miscommunication onboard merchant vessels is the primary cause of accidents at body of water every year. During 1990 there were four Canadian pilotage incidents where ineffective advice between the Airplane pilot and the Principal had severe consequences. (a) In July 1990, the Enerchem Fusion ran basis, due to problems in confirming the Master's intentions of taking over the conduct of the vessel from the airplane pilot. The vessel was carrying 8,000 tons of petroleum products, and although a astringent pollution incident was avoided, the vessel was declared a effective total loss. (b) Like problems in communication intentions betwixt The Master and the Pilot resulted in the grounding of the Lake Anima, a Norwegian chemical tanker. (c) During 1191 two further incidents resulted from a failure in the communication of intentions betwixt a Master and a Pilot. The Irving Nordick grounded in the St. Lawrence River suffering structural harm. The lack of adequate data exchange betwixt a Main and Airplane pilot were contributing to an accident. The Yugoslavian Malfnska also ran basis because although both Pilot and Principal had calculated the vessel's position, neither had consulted with the other, and the master did not know the pilot'south intention. (Granek et al.: 2013, pp.e129-e135) There is an overwhelming international consensus on the negative bear on of linguistic communication barriers on our lives.

Figure 1. Global obstacles to communication (AIM Strategies Virtual Team Trends Report.2013-05-28)
Figure 1. Global obstacles to communication (AIM Strategies Virtual Team Trends Report.2013-05-28)

Advice has numerous definitions (Marume et al.: 2016, pp.26-32):

  1. one. Sharing: of meanings, ideas, opinions, facts, feelings, experiences, information between a sender and a receiver.
  2. 2. Meeting of Minds: mutual understanding or agreement between the sender and the receiver oncommon problems. Advice occurs only when the message hasbeen understood, and understanding occurs in the mind of the receiver. So we should speak to people according to their level of understanding to get our message across to them.
  3. 3. Understanding: effective communications happened when the receiver understood the message.
  4. 4. Getting feedback: feedback or response is critical to ensure that an authentic understanding of the message has occurred. A simple definition of communication is that the process of exchanging ideas, feelings, opinions, facts, information, and experiences between the sender and a receiver verbally (spoken, written and nonverbally, sign-language, and trunk language.) through a aqueduct of communication. To sympathize the human communication process, 1 must empathise how people relate to each other.

Communication takes two forms:

A-Verbal Communication: the commutation of ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences through spoken or written words.B-Not-Verbal Advice: the substitution of ideas, thoughts, emotions, opinions, feelings, and experiences through sign language and body language (facial expression, eye-contact, voice, hand movement, posture).

The Communication Process is composed of the model or map of the communication process that shows the relationships between the elements or components of the communication process.

Figure 2. Presents the communication process, and how does communication take place?
Figure 2. Presents the communication process, and how does communication take identify?

The steps or elements or components of the advice process:

  1. ane. Sender (Source): The initiator of communication and the originator of a message. He is responsible for being certain the message is accurately received and understood.
  2. 2. Encoding: a procedure in which the ideas to exist conveyed are translated into a code or set of symbolsor some other format of expression.
  3. three. Message: the idea, information, stance, fact, feeling, etc. It is the heart of the communication process. Information technology tin can be a Spoken, written word, sign language, and body language.
  4. four. Channel: the medium used to convey the bulletin to the receiver. The media of communicationinclude radio, newspaper, telephone, TV, and net.
  5. 5. Decoding: is the process of translating the bulletin into a language that can be understood by the receiver.
  6. 6. Receiver: The receiver is the private or individuals to whom the bulletin is directed. (Listener, reader, and viewer).
  7. 7. Feedback: the response or reaction of the receiver to the sender's message. It may be verbal, non- verbal, or both. It tin be either positive or negative. Therefore.

    Feedback is a must to ensure that messages have been understood and received and helps the sender and the receiver obtain mutual agreement.

  8. eight. Effect: the sender communicates in order to influence the receiver's knowledge attitudes and practice or actions (KAP).

The environs or circumstances in which communication takes place. How does the communication process happen?

  • The sender has an intention or thought or feeling and significant that exists in his heed. He encoded them into a message.

  • The sender transmits his message through the right channel to the receiver.

  • The receiver gets the message, decodes and interprets it based on his understanding of the meaning of the language and reacts or responds by sending feedback (new message) to the sender. Thus, he becomes a sender.

  • The original sender now becomes a receiver and reacts to the response of the sender (receiver).Based on the results of the communication process, the change may happen in the cognition, attitude, and behavior (activeness) of the receiver. Communication is an interactive process; its effectiveness is judged by how closely the receivers' understanding matches the sender's intention.

It is a advice between two or more persons in which the intended message is appropriately encoded, delivered through an advisable channel, received and adequately decoded and understood by the receiver or receivers. (Effective Communication) It is a two-fashion process. It is crucial for communicating successfully with others. Information technology enables people to build and maintain relationships and accomplish goals, jobs, and tasks.

The master characteristics are equally follows (Jureddi & Brahmaiah: 2016, pp.114-115).

  1. ane. -Using linguistic communication that is advisable to others' level of understanding.
  2. ii. making certain others receive the information or knowledge.
  3. 3. Developing relationships with others.
  4. 4. Talking with others in a way that facilitates openness and honesty.
  5. five. Completeness of the message.
  6. 6. Clarity of the message.
  7. 7. Integrity of the message.
  8. 8. Conciseness of the message.
  9. nine. Consideration of physical setting and the recipient.
  10. 10. Courtesy to exist maintained.
  11. 11. Correctness of the Bulletin.

Merely speaking, effective communication is the process of sending the right bulletin to the right receiver through the right channel at the right time and identify with the right feedback.

Barriers to Effective Communication are obstacles or issues that breakdown the communicationprocess because they forestall the flow of information between a sender and a receiver. There are numerous barriers to advice, and these may occur at any stage in the communication process. They tin can exist classified into the following categories: mechanical, concrete, psychological, social, noise, religious, cultural, and language barriers.

Figure 3. Barriers to effective communication as described
Figure 3. Barriers to effective communication as described

Language is the almost powerful tool of communication. Its part includes the: advice of ideas, thoughts, opinion and emotional expression, social interaction, using the power of sound, g recording facts, expression of identity. However, at the same fourth dimension, a common barrier to constructive communication. Linguistic communication or semantic barriers arise when many words have more than one meaning, and a sender and a receiver try to communicate in a language, which themselves do not understand properly. So, advice is not always successful. There may be some faults or obstacles in the advice system, which may prevent the bulletin from reaching the intended receiver or its destination. Linguistic communication barriers are generally arising in five areas: the way a message is originated and sent past a sender, environmental interruptions, and the way information technology is received and understood by a receiver. Language barriers are significant because they are often an impediment to building relationships with others. They tin cause misunderstandings that lead to disharmonize, frustration, offense, violence, hurt feelings, and wasting time, endeavour, coin, and lives of the people.

Summary, language barriers are semantic bug that arise during the process of encoding and/ordecoding the message into words and ideas, respectively. They are one of the main barriers that limit effective communication. They are the most common advice barriers which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations betwixt people. They point difficulties that two people, who exercise not share a mutual language, face when they are trying to communicate with each other. They tin can likewise refer to the complete absenteeism of advice between the two people who speak different languages.

The study aimed at exploring and agreement the factors, which create linguistic communication barriers in a real-life, identify the nature of communication, critically examine the impact of language barriers on effective communication, our fashion of exchanging letters, making people, groups, governments and nations aware of the importance of overcoming them and making recommendation based on the report results for improving the effectiveness of communication.

The study focuses on the importance of language or semantic barriers to advice, their types,causes, bear upon on our lives, and how to deal with them effectively in order to get our letters across.

Research says that effective advice is difficult to accomplish. In today's globalized globe, effective communication is essential to building relationships between people by using exact and non-exact linguistic communication as a tool of advice. Notwithstanding, language can act every bit a bridge in communication with people, and a barrier (wall) which prevents people from exchanging simple, clear, and authentic letters. In thecommunication era, language barriers split and divide united states by creating misunderstandings, misinformation, distortion, fatal errors, frustration disasters, disharmonize, and violence among people globally. Language barriers waste our efforts, time, and money. This study aims at identifying language barriers, their types, and discusses their impact on human communication and ways of overcoming them.

The written report focuses just on language barriers to verbal communication.


This qualitative study presents research aiming to explore factors, which crusade language barriers in existent life, give examples about the effectiveness of language barriers on communication, and discuss shown to reduce or overcome the language barrier of communication.

Research Questions:

1: What is the definition of communication?

2: What is the impact of language barriers on the advice process?

3: What are the barriers to constructive communication?

5: What are the root causes of communication failure?

7: How can we overcome language barriers?

The Root Causes of Language Barriers:

The difference in Language: is the nigh obvious bulwark to communication every bit two people speaking two different languages cannot communicate with each other. For example, an American goes to Egypt. He does not understand Arabic, and about people in Arab republic of egypt do not understand English language. Then, when an American speaks, communication is worthless as the Egyptians practice not understand it.


The Accent:

The use of words or phrases of people belonging to different places or regions may differ in meanings, interpretations fifty-fifty if their language is the same, which may pb to various kinds of conflicts and disasters? For example, in 1977, the deadliest air disaster happened in the Canary Islands. Two 747 jets, one Pan AM, 1 KLM collided on the runway at Tenerife airdrome, killing 583 travelers. Language played a meaning role in the disaster. The co-pilot of a KLM radioed the command tower in a heavy Dutch accent " we are now at takeoff. " air traffic controllers interpreted the message that to mean the plane was fix to become but stopped brusque of the runway. However, the KLM plane had started its have-off run and rammed into a PAN AM on the aforementioned fog-laden runway. The tower did not sympathise the message and told KLM to stand bye. Investigations showed that the main language of the crew of KLM was Dutch, the air controllers' primary language was Portuguese. All were speaking English, but they used English as a second language that contributed to a lack of communication or misunderstanding between them. After reviews of cockpit recorder transcriptions adamant that KLM pilot's use of not-standard phraseology during the critical moments leading up to the accident contributed to disaster (Lee: 2003).

Poorly Misunderstood Language messages can confuse:

Miscommunication between the air traffic controllers and pilots is a safety threat globally. Although English is the international language of aviation, fifty-fifty when the pilots and air traffic controllers both speak English fluently, there are failures in the ways they hear it. For example, in November 1996, the pilot of Saudi Arabia Airlines Boeing 747 misunderstood an air traffic controllers' directive to descend and instead climbed, colliding with Kazakhstan National Airways cargo plane near Delhi, India killing 349 travelers (Cheng: 2015). It wasprimarily blamed on a linguistic communication barrier, involving pilots whose first linguistic communication is not English. To avert such a lack of understanding, which acquired a fatal disaster, the pilot of the Saudi aeroplane should have asked the controller to repeat the instructions for the second time, until understood.

Misusing Words:

Sometimes the sender misuses words, which may distort the message and lead to misunderstanding distorts the message. The sender should be accurate and familiar to both the sender and the receiver to avoid misunderstanding. For Case, The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) editorial guideline regarding reporting terrorism states:

We must report acts of terror quickly, accurately, fully and responsibly. Terrorism is a difficult and emotive subject with significant political overtones, and care is required in the use of language that carries value judgments. We try to avoid the apply of the term "terrorist" without attribution. When we practise utilize the term, we should strive to do so with consistency in the stories we report across all our services and in a way that does non undermine our reputation for objectivity and accuracy. The word "terrorist" itself can be a barrier rather than an help to understanding. Nosotros should convey to our audience the full consequences of the deed by describing what happened. We should use words which specifically describe the perpetrator such as "bomber", "attacker", "gunman", "kidnapper", "insurgent", and "militant". We should non adopt other people'due south linguistic communication as our ain; our responsibleness is to remain objective and study in ways that enable our audiences to make their own assessments about who is doing what to whom (Li et al.: 2010, pp.385-391).

To avoid misunderstanding and go his bulletin across, the sender should use authentic and familiar words to the receiver.

Using Abusive Words:

No i tin acquit rude language. For example, (a) In the Arab lodge calling a person "you pig" ways "y'all are dirty" is an offending word. (b) The assistants of- the Arab Bank based in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan- started establishing branches in the Palestinian occupied Due west Bank, but it was faced with a big language barrier that prevented it from using the word "Client "considering it ways" Traitor" or "spy" for the Palestinians the one who cooperates with the Israeli security. Then, information technology used an alternative word "The casher of the services". The apply of rude words or expressions will provoke negative emotions. (c), When Russian President Vladimir Putin met British prime-minister Tony Blair in St. Petersburg in 2000, he spoke about Chechens' insulting attitude to Russians and illustrated this by an abusive slogan in Russian in a Chechen military army camp:

Above us is Allah" and" under us goats" Blair was obviously puzzled equally he could not see anything very insulting in translation. But the Russian give-and-take for "goat" is very rude when information technology is used about people. Blair could not come across the insult considering, as Chechens alive in the mountains, above them is "Allah" and under them are mount goats (Ter-Minasova: 2008, pp.297-342).

It sounds rather poetic than insulting. The sender should avoid rude words or expressions considering they may hurt the feelings of the receiver and provoke emotions.Using Jargon:

They are overcomplicated technical terms or unfamiliar words or abbreviations used by professionals like doctors, engineers, pilots, scientists to enhance communication by simplifying a detail concept to the receivers. For case: (a) in the computer jargon, 'to burn a "CD" means "to copy the data on a CD". To a common man, the word 'burn' may have a very unlike connotation.

(b)Grammar and spelling: Language barriers may arise when the sender makes errors in grammar and spelling. These mistakes can create communication problems in written communication. For example, aperson makes a error of typing "done"," don" " buy" "bye" "encounter" " meat" "Lead" "atomic number 82" "red" "Read". They are understood past their context or pronunciation. The spelling and grammar checker of the computer does not label it equally incorrect as "don " is also a correct word. But the word tin change the whole meaning of the sentence or make the sentence not understandable. To avoid such mistake, the sender must use dictionary to verify spelling, employ spell-checker figurer to ensure that spelling is correct or ask someone to proofread your writing(c) The 300-word linguistic communication of aviation which consists of 300 words and terminology is a combination of professional jargon and plain English language. It was created to avoid pilots and air controllers mishearing and misunderstanding each other and avert potentially fatal accidents taking identify. e.1000. "roger" This means "message received and understood", "Wilco ": An abbreviation of "will comply", information technology means the pilot has received the bulletin and volition comply." Assert", ways "yes", and pronounced "AY-firm". (Lunenburg: 2010, pp.1-ten) So, the sender should avoid using jargon and unfamiliar words or terms because they lead to misunderstanding and confusion and accidents. Following several such air traffic accidents. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) suggested English language should exist the international language of aviation, and that pilots and air traffic controllers - must have basic noesis of information technology and take exams (Fischer et al.: 1996).

Using Slang Words:

Breezy words and phrases used in communication that oft exclude specific groups. Avert idiomatic expressions or slang. American English is full of idioms. An idiom is a distinctive, often colorful expression whose meaning cannot exist understood. From the combined meaning of its individual words, for example, the phrase "to kill 2 birds with i stone." Slangs leads to the misunderstanding of the bulletin. The sender must not use slang in lodge to reduce misunderstanding.

Using Impolite Words:

Usage of rude or slang language tin can impede all the efforts of communicating verbally. Communicating in a foreign land tin can be confusing if no one speaks your linguistic communication or any other language that you know. Similarly, information technology can exist frustrating non to sympathize the meaning of certain words that the locals use. Even when they try to speak English language, you may find some of the things they say impolite. For example, the Thais oft use the common word "farang" when they speak to western people. This word may audio negative to Westerners. It makes them feel looked down upon and angry because Guava in Thai is called "farang ". The same word is too used for white people." Farang" is a Thai class of the Arabic word"Ifranji", which ways white travelers, so Thais call white people" farang" regardless of their nationality and social condition. To a Thai person, the give-and-take" Farang "does non have whatever negative connotations. (Wiener & Rivera: 2004, pp.93-101) The sender should non use words and expressions that scoff or hurt the feelings of others.

Misinterpretation of Words:

Semantic issues often arise because of the gap between the pregnant every bit intended by the sender and that every bit understood by the receiver. This happens when the receiver does non assign the same pregnant to the word as the sender had intended. Words can express a variety of meanings depending upon their, i.e., in the context in which they are used nature. For example, the word 'yellowish' when used equally an describing word tin can have multiple connotations depending upon its usage. 'Yellow', too beingness a primary color, also stands for 'freshness', 'beauty', 'sickness', 'disuse', " yellow moo-cow for Jews" ways "holy cow "and" yellow traffic light " means "caution"." Yellow race" ways "Mongolians", "Yellow emperor". "Emperor of Cathay". Hence, the receiver is costless to interpret it in whatever of these ways based on his imagination, educational background, and experience. But for communication to be perfect, information technology is essential that the receiver must assign to it the same meaning which the sender had in his mind while encoding the message. Therefore, there is always a possibility of misinterpretation of the messages. By and large, such problems arise when the sender does not apply simple and clear words that can convey the exact meaning to the receiver.

Selection of Wrong Words:

A single word has different meanings for different persons. If both the sender and the receiver choose different meanings for the same word, then it causes a semantic barrier. Improper words may outcome in unclear or distorted messages and create a bad impression. For case, In Arabic Culture, the word" redman"(communist) or a" man dressed in ruby-red "or a "homo with a red face". Or a" bloody man". So, if people do not understand the words, they cannot understand the message. The sender should choose his words carefully in order to bridge gaps, build relations, and create understanding.

Using Ambiguous or Vague Words or Phrases:

They are not conspicuously or explicitly stated or expressed. Ambiguity arises when the sender and the receiver of the bulletin assume different meanings to the same words, phrases, and sentences or use different words to convey the same pregnant. A sender ofttimes assumes that the receiver can sympathize the significant of these words, phrases, and sentences as he does. For example, The Israelis misinterpreted the text of the United nations resolution 242 commodity (i)" Withdrawal of Israeli armed services from territories occupied (the Due west Depository financial institution and Gaza) in the contempo disharmonize.

"That calls for the total withdrawal of the Israeli regular army from the Palestine lands occupied in1967. The Israeliargument is that the withdrawal phrase in the Resolution was not meant to refer to a total withdrawal, because there is no give-and-take "all" or "the" before "territories" in the withdrawal phase. (Taylor et al.: 2013, p.35) The wording of the withdrawal phrase is vague or ambiguous, so it was misinterpreted by Israel because it was not clearly or explicitly stated. Merely anyhow, information technology must be placed in the context of the residual of the resolution that calls for a total withdrawal of the Israeli Army from the Palestinian occupied lands in 1967. (b) Vague Phrases, such as: "It will be there equally usual." or "The aforementioned as last time." The phrase" every bit soon as possible" could mean a couple of minutes or hours to the sender and a mean solar day or two for the receiver. (c) The give-and-take "Pope " is vague considering there are two Popes for the Christians: Pope for the Western Globe and a Pope for Coptic Christians people in Arab republic of egypt in the East. To avert such misunderstanding, the sender should use articulate, precise language, stating exactly times and locations and names. Choosing ambiguous words or terms to convey your message will lead the receiver to defoliation and misunderstanding. You lot tin can avoid any ambiguity by repeating the term or using alternatives. Cryptic communication means open to many unlike interpretations.

Linguistic communication Barriers in the Same Langue:

A language barrier can appear when the sender and the receiver exercise speak the same language. People speaking the same language tin have difficulty understanding each other if they are from different regions of the same country. Dialectical and accents differences, the use of slang and regional colloquialisms can create numerous problems that may lead to misunderstanding and gaps in communication. For example, an incident described as a type of the risks of not speaking the same language, the coiffure of a Lot Shine Airline Boeing 737 struggled to communicate with British air traffic controllers after their electronic flying displays went blank in instrument meteorological conditions following a divergence from London Heathrow Drome. The Polish pilots are unable to communicate their issues to the British air controller. (Werfelman: 2008, p.3) Some other example, the use of slang makes communication ineffective, such as the utilize of the word "grass" to describe marijuana in America can act equally a barrier for the people who do not know the slang meaning.

Religious Language Differences:

Linguistic communication barriers generally event from the lack of understanding between the followers of the three religions. For case, an American Christian, an American Jew, and an American Muslim all worship one God, but they accept unlike names for God. "God" for Christians," Elohim or Yahweh" for a Jew, and "Allah" for a Muslim. Each one of them has a different concept for God. The sender should employ dialogue to communicate with the receiver in order to overcome misunderstanding.

Regional Dialects:

People speak the same language, only dialectical differences can create misunderstanding and gaps in communication because the meanings, implications, and interpretations of words are dissimilar. For example, Bharat uses over. Major languages, each spoken in one detail region and each linguistic communication has a number of dialects and regional variations which might not e'er exist mutually understandable. (Narayan: 2013, pp.236-Another example, although Arabs speak a common linguistic communication (Standard arabic), some of them might have difficultyunderstanding the meaning of the message and the feedback. This might also exist a cause of obstacles in advice. Americans call back Asians take an emphasis, and Asians think Americans.

No clear speech:

People who speak soft or in a small voice or heavy tongue or unclear words cannot be understood. The sender might be saying something, whereas the receiver might empathize something. Though speaking common language, people might have difficulty understanding the meaning of the message and the feedback. This might also be a cause of obstacles in communication. For example, God delivered the bulletin to Moses and asked him to preach information technology to Pharaoh first then to the Egyptians, but he could not go his message beyond because he was suffering from trouble in his tongue that prevents him from speaking well. And so, he asked God to cure his tongue." Moses said: " O my Lord, expand me my chest, ease my task for me, and remove the impediment from my speech, so they may understand what I say (Abdullah YA, p.370). Then he asked God to appoint his brother Aaron a mouthpiece (spokesperson) for him to be able to communicate his message finer. " And my brother Aaron–he is more eloquent in voice communication than I. So, ship him with me as a helper, to ostend (and strengthen) me, for I fear that they may accuse me of falsehood." (Ibid, p.22-473).

Using taboo words:

Some people may find it hard to express their emotions or ideas, and some topics may exist completely 'off-limits' or taboo. Taboo topics maybe politics, religion, sexuality and sex, racism and any opinion that may be seen equally unpopular.

Faulty Translation of Words:

A translator is a person who makes a written transfer of a bulletin between two languages. Effective translations must be washed with accuracy, clarity, and impartiality. For example, the literal translation of Kentucky Fried Chechen: KFC'due south slogan" Finger-lick in' skillful" in Chinese is "Eat your fingers off." (Cho et al.: 2007, pp.309-329) The lack of sufficient knowledge in a language can cause misunderstandings, which may lead to big losses in money, endeavor, time, and potential customers internationally. To solve this problem, companies should hire competent translators in the language and culture of the customers. But for communication to be perfect, it is essential that the receiver must assign to it the aforementioned meaning which the sender had in his listen while encoding the message. Therefore, there is always a possibility of misinterpretation of the messages. Mostly, such bug arise when the sender does non use uncomplicated and articulate words that can convey the exact meaning to the receiver.

How to Overcome Language Barriers?

Language barriers prevent people from sharing their ideas, thoughts, and feelings, experience, data, and expectations, give feedback or communicate effectively. Here are some of the main solutions to reduce or eliminate them (Drury & Ma: 2002):

  • Choose familiar words and language to the receiver to avert miscommunication.

  • Avoid using vague, ambiguous, or confusing words, terms, jargon, and phrases, idiomatic expressions, or slang.

  • Avoid using difficult words, circuitous sentences, unnecessary information. Utilise curt, simplesentences.

  • Cheque meanings. When communicating across cultures, never assume that the other person has understood.

  • Think in terms of your receiver.

  • Use your receiver's language.

  • Keep your message simple to promote constructive advice.

  • Apply simple, clear, authentic, and correct and familiar linguistic communication.

  • Avoid slang or use of culturally or technically specific expressions or terminology.

  • Select your words carefully. Choose simple words, phrases, and brusk sentences.

  • Use language advisable to the level of understanding of the receiver.

  • Utilise familiar linguistic communication to the receivers.

  • Inquire for clarification.

  • Frequently cheque for understanding by asking for feedback.

  • Politely ask for clarification and avoid any assumptions.

  • Avert idioms, technical terms or jargon.

  • Use plainly language where possible.

  • Rent qualified interpreters and translators.

  • Hire bilingual employees.

  • Use repetition because people demand to hear things more than once to sympathise and remember information technology.

  • Use exact and not-exact messages appropriately.

  • Exist respectful: Language barriers can be frustrating. They crave patience, understanding, and consciousness.

  • Used visual methods of communication to explain complicated concepts such as pictures, diagrams,photos, graphics, charts to help the receiver understand what the sender is trying to convey. "A flick is worth a g words."

  • Private linguistic ability is important to train your people.


Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, feeling, information, knowledge, facts, opinions, and emotions between a sender and a receiver. Constructive communication is sending the right message to the right receiver at the correct fourth dimension via the right aqueduct in society to alter the receiver's knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Language barriers are things that forestall people from agreement each other. They are a common challenge to individuals, groups, international companies, governments, nations, and the whole world. The report concluded that language barriers are factors that block or significantly distort effective advice. They arise from different meanings and uses of words, symbols, images, gesture, languages, dialects, accents, linguistic ability, technical terminology or jargon, book of voice, ambiguous words, mispronunciation of words, faulty translation, wrong interpretation of messages, misunderstanding of messages, complicated messages and unlike individual linguistic ability of the sender and the receiver, poorly understood and poorly explained words and letters.

Language barriers can create problems of miscommunication such every bit misunderstanding, misinterpretation of letters, distorted messages, misinformation, defoliation, mistrust, uncertainty, frustration, weak and incorrect feedback, aviation and marine accidents and disasters, deaths, tension, conflict, violence amongst people. They can Leads to Factors that hindering effective communication. The best strategy to promote effective communication and get letters across is to bridge the language barriers by: using unproblematic, clear, concrete, accurate, familiar and meaningful words, fugitive grammatical and spelling mistakes, giving and receiving feedback, hiring bilingual workers and qualified and licensed translators, minimizing the use of jargons, avoiding ambiguous words, regional dialect and, confirming understanding, using translation machines, avoiding shouting and sarcasm and mimicry, explaining confusing messages to people. The hereafter of individuals, groups, societies, and nations depends mostly on their ability to communicate finer with others in a globalization and communication era.

Recommendation: Based on the above findings, we recommend the following:

  • More than studies on linguistic communication barriers and their effect on customers.


IBRAHIM AHMAD ABUARQOUB: Ibrahim Ahmad is a full professor of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Social Work Department - Jordan University, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He has a Ph.D. in Mass communication from Northwestern University of Illinois -Us in 1988, A principal'south degree in Linguistics from State University of New York in 1983. His research interest is Human Communication, Mass Communication, Psychological Warfare, Communication Campaigns, Crisis Communication, and Media Campaigns.


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Source: https://www.redalyc.org/journal/279/27962177008/html/

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