What Not to Say in Scotland Yeah Where Do You Have to Go Again You Said

Scottish Slang ane.0 (The Ultimate Guide to Help Yous Blend in North of the Border)

Written by: Caitlin
Published: 20th November 2019, last updated: 28th September 2021

You lot could be forgiven for thinking that Scottish slang is an entirely unlike language to the rest of the UK; between the broad accents and regional variations in which they speak, besides as words carried over from Gaelic and languages of old, information technology's almost equally if they don't want to be understood at all in some areas!

And then I've made it my mission to go acquainted with the local patter, and whether you are travelling to Scotland or but feeling curious about the mysterious Scottish lilt, some of these words and phrases are sure to bring a smiling to your face.

Scotticism is my new favourite word! Information technology ways a phrase or a word which is feature of dialects of the Scots language. How many Scotticisms do you think you know?!

Where does Scottish Slang come from?

Many of the words virtually commonly used in modernistic Scotland are borrowed from Scots, a 600-year-old linguistic communication with Germanic origins. Around 60,ooo people yet speak Gaelic, only only a seldom few words accept made it into daily Scottish usage. Some words are easy to empathise, existence more to do with pronunciation than annihilation else, just in that location are some words that I never would accept guessed the meaning of.

Many of the visitors to Scotland are confused by the unique Scottish slang words, and to brand things even more confusing, each region have their very own variations of common words, for example in Edinburgh they talk about 'bairns', but in Glasgow they speak of 'weans', both meaning small-scale children.

Scottish Phrases of Endearment

scottish slang

For some reason there seems to exist a lot of assumption about Scots being more aggressive than their southern neighbours. I mean, I won't deny they are a passionate folk, but it goes both means, too every bit some of the angriest words spoken, since being in Scotland I've definitely heard some of the nigh affectionate likewise.

Hen– being perhaps the nigh widely recognised. Not to be confused with the feathery fowl, but instead referring to a female, often a younger lady, used as a scottish term of endearment, much similar honey or sweetheart might be used farther Due south.

If aforementioned hen was a peculiarly lovely looking daughter, she might exist refereed to as a bonnie lass.

And if you accept establish yourself out for an evening in whatever local Scottish establishment, don't be surprised to find the gorgeous people surrounding yourself described equally braw (men) and tidy (women).

It tin can also be very disruptive in Scotland, oft something that sounds like an insult can really be a term of endearment. 'Awright ya wee bawbag?' (a bawbag beingness a scrotum) is a greeting merely really used between close pals.  In the correct context it is no more than offensive than proverb 'Hullo, how are you my friend?'.

And then we have 'Lang mae yer lum reek', which sounds like it would be appear accompanied past an unpleasant smell, but is in fact a pleasant Scottish sentiment, originally translated from 'long may your chimney smoke' and now significant something akin to I wish you a long and healthy life.

Scottish Slang Swear Words

If there is one thing the Scot's are good at, it'southward their wonderfully creative and offensive swearing culture, with a large selection Scottish curse words. Starting from the fairly inoffensive, you tin can often hear kids underfoot being referred to as a 'div' or a 'dafty'– both basically meaning a fool! You could ramp this up to the next level by escalating this to a 'numpty' or a 'nugget' if nosotros are talking about a particularly foolish fool!

And hither is 1 I had really heard of- a 'jobby'– (A poo if you aren't sure!)

Equally mentioned above, the give-and-take'bawbag' seems to come up a lot in conversations between pals and is taken relatively inoffensively- but at that place is definite scope for using information technology as an insult too if the context is right and you apply plenty venom behind it!

In fact, y'all may have heard of the give-and-take in the media before, back in 2011, when the weather in Scotland attracted worldwide attention, and 'Hurricane Bawbag' became an internet sensation.

Read more than nearly 'Hurricane Bawbag' here!

Scotland take several of their own slang words for body parts, of which I have to say my absolute favourite is 'bahoochie' for your bum, and a 'banger' for a gentleman's individual parts.

Scottish Insults

Scots take some of the virtually amazing insults at their disposal. Awa' n bile your head seems to exist i that crops up across the breadth of the country, and it literally ways 'get away and boil your head' or in simpler terms- get lost!

And if you are looking for an unpleasant proper name to call someone, how about ane of these Scottish Insults:

Eejit – Idiot

Feartie – Cow

Gommy – Uncomplicated-looking, idiot

Gowk – fool, simpleton

Lavvy heid – toilet head

Nyaff – Irrirating person

Roaster/Rocket – Idiot

Tube – Idiot

There are a few of these which I tin't await to adopt into my everyday vocab- here's hoping that nobody in the office can understand what I am calling them!

And if the above Scottish insults weren't offensive enough for you, how nearly sticking i of these insulting adjectives in front…

Boggin – foul-smelling

Bowfin – unpleasant

Doolally – Not the full shilling

Hackit – Ugly

Howlin' – Smelly

Naff – Boring, rubish

Scabby – Dirty

Feel free to let us know your favourite combinations from the lists in a higher place when practising your ain Scottish insults. And if you lot find yourself on the receiving end of one of these Scottish insults? Well tin nosotros propose a less than polite 'Close yer pus'which pretty much means 'close upwardly' or 'close your mouth' to silence the speaker!

Seriously Sweary Scottish Insults

In fact, there are a TON more even more than offensive Scottish insults used across the country.  Simply in the interest of keeping polite visitor I won't divulge anymore- I don't want to cause any heart palpitations, and so I'll just leave you in that location with another link, merely incase seriously sweary Scottish insults is a topic y'all'd like to read more on.

Cute Scottish Words

Scottish Slang

View of the beautiful Monadh in Glencoe Wood

It wouldn't be correct to spend and then much time talking about all the rude and crude depths of Scottish slang without coming total circle to some of the more beautiful parts of the Scottish language. Manifestly, the country of Rabbie Burns is famed for it's romantic poetry, and so let'south dip into some of the loveliest Scottish words…

Our peak 10 beautiful words (and their meanings) are:

  1. Coorie – To cuddle or nestle in, especially when it is common cold. Similar to the 'cwtch' for our Welsh friends.
  2. Smourich – A kiss!
  3. Crouss– To be cheerful.
  4. Flichterin'- Soft fluttering, as in the wings of a butterfly, or the flame of a candle.
  5. Gloaming– Twilight or dusk.
  6. Solasta– Luminous or shining
  7. Saorsa– Freedom, freedom.
  8. Turadh– A break in the clouds between showers.
  9. Fearthainn– Rain.
  10. Monadh– Moorland covered mount.

more most Glencoe Woods Nature Reserve

What are some other Scottish words?

  • Auld – One-time
  • Aye – Yes
  • Blether – Churr-box
  • Boke – Gag or Vomit
  • Canny – Careful, or sometimes Clever
  • Clipe – To 'tell on' someone, or 'snitch'
  • Chitter – Shiver
  • Crabbit – Bad-tempered or Grumpy
  • Dae –(pronounced 'solar day')Practise
  • Dinnae – Don't
  • Drookit – Soaking Wet
  • Eejit – Idiot
  • Greet – Cry
  • Haver – Talk Nonsense (Proclaimers fans will have heard this one before!)
  • Ken – Know
  • Noo – Now
  • Och! – Oh!
  • Peely-walley – Pale or Wan
  • Piece – A Sandwich
  • Skelp – Slap
  • Tattie – Murphy

Scottish Sayings

In that location are many famous Scottish slang phrases that crop upwards in daily chat, some of which have origins so old that it is unknown who first said them, but others tin can exist attributed to Scottish celebrities or historical figures.

For a complete drove of Scottish sayings See Here, or cheque out a few of our faves…

  • Yer lookin' a bit peely wally – Meaning you wait pale or sick.
  • That's gee-in me the boak – A gross just classic Scottish expression ane might use if something was making them feel sick!
  • Gonny no dae that – Means delight don't do that!
  • Haud yer weesht – Is a not super polite mode of saying 'be tranquility'!
  • She's up tae high doh – This is pretty much how I feel every day- it mean's she's riled up and flustered, the original context coming from 'doh' beingness the highest notation on the scale, then really worked upward high!
  • Hairy Coo – Literally means 'hairy cow' but is what locals often refer to their Highland Cows equally.
  • I'll gie ye a skelpit lug – A phrase my Gran used to favour- meaning I'll requite you lot a slap on the ear!
  • Whit'due south fur ye'll no get by ye! – What's meant to happen volition happen, or what will be will be.
  • Skinny Malinky Longlegs – (Like the song!) Said about a tall, thin person.
  • Haste Ye Back! – This is a kind of farewell greeting, meaning 'render soon'
  • It'south a dreich day – This proverb is used in reference to the weather, on a cold, damp and miserable day.

Do the Scottish use Rhyming Slang?

Scottish Slang

Lawn tennis pro, Andy Murray, has a new claim to fame in Scots Rhyming Slang.

Yes they do! You may already exist familiar with Cockney Rhyming Slang, but it seems to be news to most that in that location is a Scottish version too. What makes Scottish Rhyming Slang so wonderfully unique is that information technology is based entirely on pronunciation and not written grade.

So for instance"corned beefiness", is rhyming slang for 'deaf'. Now that doesn't announced to rhyme to virtually of us- merely what it does rhyme with is the Scottish pronunciation of "deif".

And plenty of celebrities lend their names to rhyming slang every bit well. A quick round up of our favourites include:

Andy Murray – Curry!

The super Scottish lawn tennis pro comes into conversation regularly on a Friday in the pub- "Fancy gettin' an Andy Murray the nighttime?"

Mick Jagger – Lager!

Again, the pronunciation may seem a petty off if you don't take a Scottish lilt, but at present if you lot become asked "Catch u.s.a. a Mick Jagger, pal!" you'll know the speaker is probably afterward a pint of Tenants and non the Rolling Stones front man!

Gordon Strachan – Cracking! (brilliant)

If you aren't familiar, Gordon Strachan is the Scotland football managing director and former player and this may be heard in the context of "That wiz pure Strachan."

Lorraine Kelly – telly (television)

This one seems pretty apt, merely if yous are asked to "Goan turn oan the Lorraine Kelly?" they mean stick the idiot box on, and maybe you'll even take hold of a programme starring the Scottish television presenter, journalist and actress herself!

And finally, let me leave you lot with a few other questions I have been asked to find the respond to…

What is the Scottish discussion for friend?

Charaid, or Mo Charaid for my friend, is the official reply, but colloquially the terms I have heard most seem to be chum and pal!

Does anyone really say "och aye the noo"?

Short respond- NO! The truth is, y'all'll probably never hear anyone use these 4 words together, autonomously from in a comedy scene. People do say "och aye" and they practise say "the noo", only not strung together.

A translator tells me they would say 'a loue ye'. Then more or less the same, just with a sexy Scottish accent!

Scottish slang for drunk…

At present this is i word they have plenty of versions of! Blootered, Steamin', Wrecked, Bladdered, Hammered, Sloshed and Smashed to name just a few of the more regular sounding ones.'Ooot yer tree', 'Steamboated', 'Mad wae it'and'Ooot the game' being some of the stranger sounding phrases!

What does 'Yer bum's oot the windae?' actually mean?

Absolutely, the direct English language translation of 'your bottom is out of the window' doesn't make much sense. The actual meaning of this phrase is something along the lines of 'Y'all are talking rubbish', or even 'You're not making any sense'.

About the author


Source: https://www.highlandtitles.com/blog/scottish-slang/

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