I Am Sorry God I Have Sinned Again

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Asking God to forgive your sins is an important process. It is important that y'all admit what yous did wrong and truly feel lamentable that you did it. Y'all must come to God, pray using scripture, and inquire Him to forgive yous. Then you must believe that he has. After you are forgiven, piece of work on leaving sin backside and living a new life.

  1. 1

    Name and admit the thing you've washed. Before request forgiveness, yous must specifically state the thing you did wrong and acknowledge that you did it. If you're feeling guilty, you lot may exist tempted to make excuses or deny that you did anything wrong. Forgiveness is impossible if you lot don't acknowledge you did something incorrect.[i]

    • You may think, "I judge maybe I shouldn't take lied, just I had a really skillful reason and it was a small lie." You are trying to justify what you did rather than admitting to it.
    • Begin by praying, "Male parent, I took $5 from my brother without asking him for information technology." You lot have named the sin (stealing) and you take taken the responsibility for it without making an excuse.
  2. two

    Tell God that you lot know what you lot did was incorrect. Once you take named what you did, it's important to recognize that information technology was wrong. Information technology'south possible to say what you lot've done only to non believe that you were wrong to practice it. Admitting y'all did it is pointless if you do non acknowledge that you know it was wrong.[2]

    • You will not receive forgiveness if you say, "I've been sleeping with my co-worker even though I'm married, but I don't see anything wrong with it." You must recognize what you did as sin, every bit something God is unhappy about.


  3. 3

    Say that you lot are distressing for what y'all did. Information technology is withal not plenty to say what you did and admit that it was wrong. Now y'all must repent for it. Feel sincerely distressing for the incorrect, and let that regret come through in what yous say to God. It'southward important that you lot are actually remorseful when you say you are sorry.[3]

    • Asking forgiveness from God is not like when you lot say sorry to a brother but you really don't mean it. It must be sincerely from your heart.
    • Say something like, "I know that what I did was wrong, and I feel truly bad for information technology. I'1000 sorry that I broke our relationship. I'm lamentable for sinning against you."


  1. 1

    Pray about what you're feeling. You must always be honest when y'all are asking for forgiveness. If you believe that God knows your heart anyhow, at that place is no sense in lying to him. Tell him the guilt you lot feel for your sin, and that being separated from him has made you sad.

    • Say, "God, I feel sick to my breadbasket considering I know I have caused y'all pain."
    • It can be good to pray aloud to God so that you are saying specifically what is on your mind as opposed to but thinking it.
  2. 2

    Employ scripture in your prayer. God'southward word is powerful, and he encourages you to apply it when you speak to him. Since the words in the Bible come from God, they show a model for how to talk to God. Search your Bible, or online, to find scriptures about asking for forgiveness. Utilise those to make your prayer meaningful.

    • Look these scriptures up and pray them in your prayer: Romans 6:23, John iii:sixteen, 1 John ii:2. These scriptures talk about forgiveness. The New Testament is full of truth well-nigh forgiveness.
    • Search on your own and notice scriptures that speak to you about the forgiveness you're seeking. You can repeat the scripture verbatim or paraphrase it and then it means more to you.
  3. 3

    Enquire God to forgive you for what you've washed. Just as you would with other people, afterward maxim yous are sorry you must enquire to be forgiven. There is no special prayer you take to pray to earn forgiveness from God. All you have to practice is inquire him to forgive yous, through Jesus Christ, and believe that he will forgive you.[4]

    • Say to God, "I denied knowing you to my friend. It was wrong and cowardly for me to do that. I'm sorry I didn't tell him about your beloved for usa. Please forgive me for my weakness in that moment."
    • Y'all practise not need to plead, beg, or repeat yourself over and over. Asking God one fourth dimension, with a genuine eye, is all you have to do.
  4. 4

    Tell God that you lot believe He has forgiven you. Belief and forgiveness go hand in hand. Information technology's no good to inquire for forgiveness only non believe God will forgive you. God says that when you ask him to forgive you with sincere hearts that is He is true-blue to forgive. Tell yourself y'all believe Him and tell God you believe Him.[5]

    • i John 1:9 tells y'all that, "If we confess our sins, he is true-blue and but to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Say this scripture to God and believe it.
    • Information technology's of import to recollect that forgiven sins are forgotten. Hebrews 8:12 says, "For I will exist merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."


  1. 1

    Seek forgiveness from people you injure by what yous did. Although sin ultimately breaks relationship with God, other people are often hurt, also. When you know that God has forgiven you, it's important to seek forgiveness from others. Tell the person you are sorry you injure them and inquire them to forgive you.[half-dozen]

    • Retrieve that yous tin't make someone forgive you, and you lot can't earn information technology from them. They will either accept that you are pitiful for what yous did and forgive you, or they won't. Don't pester them if they refuse to forgive. Yous tin can't make them modify.
    • One time you have apologized and asked for someone's forgiveness, you must release yourself from the guilt. Fifty-fifty if they don't forgive yous, you've washed your part in seeking to make apology.
  2. 2

    Repent of the incorrect behavior. One time y'all are forgiven by God for your sin and by others for any hurt you caused, you must turn away from that sin. Make a conscious decision that you lot will not purposefully commit the aforementioned sin again later on being forgiven.[seven]

    • Yous must recall that yous will always sin over again, but information technology's important to say in the moment that y'all are turning away. The only fashion to get further from habitual sin is to tell yourself yous are not going to practise it again.
    • Acts 2:38 is helpful in this process. It says, "Repent, and let every one of yous be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and yous shall receive the souvenir of the Holy Spirit."
    • Forgiveness is an important footstep, only walking abroad from sin is necessary, too, to remain close to God.
  3. 3

    Piece of work to keep from doing the same wrong thing over again. Office of your goal in following Christ is to move further from sin, and this takes committed work. Yous won't stop sinning immediately, but if you work on it, you will grow stronger. In Matthew five:48, God calls you to become perfect, every bit he is perfect. Information technology's a goal that you must piece of work toward.[eight]

    • Observe people who can assistance you avoid repeated sins. Acquire scripture to combat temptation. Retrieve that sin only harms and you don't need it.
    • Spending time reading your Bible, praying to God, and talking with other Christians are all vitally of import to living a life that is gratuitous of sin.


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  • Question

    Will The Lord forgive me for watching porn?

    Community Answer

    Yes, God loves us and he knows that one day we will turn to him. He is willing to forgive our sins.

  • Question

    I am scared to inquire my parents for forgiveness. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Your parents dearest you no thing what. Ask for forgiveness. Tell them what you did wrong and how you will gear up it.

  • Question

    Can God forgive me for watching porn?



    Community Reply

    God E'er forgives us if we ask for forgiveness. Yes, porn is a sin, but God can forgive you and help you to terminate if you ask Him to.

  • Question

    Will God forgive me if I commit a sin and repeat information technology even if I already asked for forgiveness?

    Community Answer

    Of grade He will. He understands that y'all struggle. Remember that Jesus experienced temptation and saw people struggle, so he understands. He will forgive you.

  • Question

    Will God forgive me if I steal?

    Community Answer

    Yes, god will forgive you lot. He loves you, and this is what the atonement is for. Even so, the atonement is not everything. If we pray and ask for forgiveness, God will forgive us if nosotros practice our best to make things right once more and try to refrain from sinning in the future.

  • Question

    How many times do I ask for forgiveness if I go on committing the same sin?

    Community Answer

    Always enquire God for forgiveness - every time you commit the sin. God will always forgive y'all. He understands that we are all homo and we make mistakes. Practise your all-time to larn from your error and do not apply the guarantee of his forgiveness as a license to sin.

  • Question

    Can God forgive me for having an abortion?

    Community Answer

    Yep, he can forgive anything.

  • Question

    Volition God forgive me for masturbating subsequently resolving not to do information technology again?



    Community Answer

    God volition forgive yous if you repent in your heart and endeavor not to practise it again. Ask God to transport his Holy Spirit to you lot to help you resist the temptation.

  • Question

    Should I ask forgiveness from the person I've wronged before I ask God for forgiveness?

    Community Answer

    Asking forgiveness from the person you've wronged is crucial. Then you should ask for God'south forgiveness and promise you'll try harder not to echo the sin.

  • Question

    Practice I have to tell my parents about my sin if the sin is watching porn?

    Community Answer

    You don't necessarily accept to tell them, but existence honest may make you experience improve in the long run. If you do decide to tell them, explain gently, enquire that they forgive you, and run across if they would be willing to help y'all learn from the sin.

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Commodity Summary X

To ask God for forgiveness, offset acknowledge your sin without justifying or excusing information technology, by saying something like, "Begetter, I took 5 dollars from my blood brother without asking him." Then, tell God that you know information technology was wrong and apologize for your weakness. Yous can as well incorporate scripture in your prayer, such every bit Romans half-dozen:23 or John iii:16 to help you observe the right words. One time y'all've confessed your sin to God, ask him for forgiveness by proverb something like, "Delight forgive me for my weakness in that moment." After you've finished praying, accept God's forgiveness, since he loves you and will always forgive your sins when y'all repent for them. For more tips, including how to avert committing the aforementioned sins again, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Ask-God-for-Forgiveness-(Christianity)

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